At Energia, we are the power behind your power. We are the power behind Ireland’s maternity hospitals and the power behind all of Ireland’s streetlights. We power thousands of Irish homes and businesses, and we are working towards creating a sustainable future with our Positive Energy renewable developments, across wind, hydrogen, solar and bio energy, allowing us to provide 100% green electricity to our lovely customers.
We are also the power behind some of Ireland’s most important purpose-led initiatives including our long-term sponsorship with Grow it Yourself (GIY).
Founded in Ireland in 2008, GIY supports people around the world to live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives by growing some of their own food.
At Energia and GIY we believe there has never been a better time to Get Ireland Growing. Right now more and more people are interested in living sustainable lives but don’t always know how. We believe we are all here to learn and grow together. We want to nurture what’s in our nature and Get Ireland Growing.
Energia Get Ireland Growing was first launched in 2016 to promote community food growing projects nationwide. The key objective for Energia was to grow the brand’s sustainability credentials a key part of delivering 100% renewable electricity.
In 2021 the Energia Get Ireland Growing campaign aimed to make it easy to grow food at home and in the community, and help us reconnect with nature.
We’re on a mission to get as many people across Ireland growing.