Welcome to the Resources library – one of the most popular sections of the ESA website.
Need inspiration? Then look no further than our Case Studies, which illustrate the incredible power of sponsorship to deliver on a business objective while creating meaningful engagement and leaving a positive impact on society, or the annual ESA Sponsorship Trends – released every January.
Looking to arm yourself with expertise? Our Research & Best Practice is packed full of guides, market reports, studies, surveys and associated industry knowledge that provide sponsorship professionals with information and guidance, including the ESA Sponsorship Sentiment Tracker. We also have a Premium Resources section (ESA members get a discount).
Ready for a temperature check? ESA’s annual Sponsorship Market Overview, provided by Nielsen Sports, measures the volume of the industry across Europe and provides a range of vital insights.
How far down the road to Sustainable Sponsorship are you? In this section you can find a range of best-practice guidance, case studies, links and thought-provoking articles.
Wondering how to navigate a sensitive topic within the industry? Our Policy Papers are available to all and provide updates at all times on various legislation and policy issues.
Missed an ESA event or webinar and keen to catch up? All Event Videos and Presentations are available for catching up at your convenience.
Need to find a service provider or software solution to supercharge your sponsorship? Our Suppliers community is a vital part of the ESA membership and each of the companies on this page is available to support you.
Many of the above resources are available only to ESA members – please contact us if you would like to discover more about the benefits of joining the European sponsorship community.