Poste Italiane is the first employer in Italy. With a workforce of over 120.000 employees spread all around the country, Poste has been a familiar presence for the last 160 years.
The recent Covid pandemic had a significant impact on Poste Italiane, whose employees, as essential workers, have been in the forefront during the emergency, ensuring ongoing and efficient services. Reaching more than 8.000 cities and villages all over Italy, 70% of which counts less than 5.000 inhabitants and often have difficult access due to their geographical location, for many people, especially senior citizens, mail carriers were often the only daily human contact during lockdown.
As a mean to reward and thank employees on all the national territory, Poste Italiane has identified sponsorship as the most effective tool to lay out a bespoke employees’ engagement plan.
The project’s aim was to focus on newly rediscovered values such as social cohesion, quality time and meaningfulness, within a changing social environment.
As specific needs had to be addressed, Poste decided to take a new synergic approach that could offer employees visibility and engagement on a longer timeline. Starting in spring 2021, the project involved three specific partners offering complementary activities in various locations throughout the Country.
Selected partners were: Magic Mountains , FAI and Dolomiti for Duchenne
The ultimate target: to increase motivation and positive attitude among employees after a very demanding and socially disrupting time. Let us drive you through our journey.