Over a number of years, PwC Ireland’s sponsorship portfolio became heavily weighted towards male sport. In keeping with the firm’s commitment to embrace diversity in all its forms, the Sponsorship Team was tasked with identifying a strategic sponsorship opportunity that would allow PwC Ireland to celebrate successful women in business while simultaneously broadening the appeal of the firm’s overall sponsorship activity.
The firm partnered with IMAGE Media to create a 360° sponsorship strategy that incorporated the PwC IMAGE Businesswoman of the Year Awards, Businesswoman of the Year Alumni Dinner, Business Summit, virtual business webcast series and two mentoring masterclasses, as well as strategically aligned print and online content, in a year-long programme of themed engagement aimed at the leading business talent in Ireland. This comprehensive, partnership-based model allowed PwC to collaborate with IMAGE to co-create a set of tactical objectives and solutions that generated value for PwC, IMAGE and—most importantly— promote our strategic firm priorities to our target audience.
At a tactical level, the sponsorship over-achieved on all KPIs throughout the campaign. But even more importantly for PwC Ireland, we introduced a degree of balance to the firm’s sponsorship portfolio while acknowledging and celebrating the strides made by women in business in all sectors of the Irish economy. Not only that, the IMAGE sponsorship shone a light on exceptional role models for the country’s next generation of business leaders in the process.