In 2022 the V&A was delighted to welcome Gucci as Lead Sponsor of Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Menswear, the first V&A exhibition to celebrate the power, artistry and diversity of masculine attire and appearance. It traced how menswear was fashioned and refashioned over the centuries, and how designers, tailors and artists, their clients, and sitters, have constructed and performed masculinity unpicking it at the seams.
For decades Gucci has long been at the vanguard of masculinity in fashion conversation. Their interest in visual culture and their history of progressive messaging, coupled with their rule-breaking approach to self-expression, and similar target audience to the V&A, made Gucci the perfect Lead Sponsor.
Through a tailored programme of sponsor benefits and additional curated opportunities led by the V&A in partnership with Gucci, the sponsorship was activated fully through an extensive marketing campaign, curatorial and exhibition access, a dedicated press and communication approach and exceptional hospitality and events.
Careful stewardship ensured that the relationship delivered for both parties against our exhibition and brand objectives; to attract a young and diverse audience, to explore what masculinity means and encourage visitors to consider how preconceived notions of masculinity informs contemporary society and to build on the popularity of past fashion show audiences.
We thoroughly enjoyed working on this partnership and believe Gucci’s involvement undoubtedly contributed to Fashioning Masculinities being the most successful paid-for exhibition in London in 2022.