The leading esports company ESL FACEIT Group (EFG) together with Nielsen Sports built an analytical suite, to enable EFG to clearly communicate their value proposition across various dimensions to existing and potential new brand partnerships customers. The methodology had to be dynamically adjustable to cover all of EFGs different sponsorship deliverables as well as the multitude of different products across different games and gaming platforms. In addition to that the project was also supposed to help shape the pricing and packaging of EFGs partnerships as a quantitative foundation for new and existing relationships.
Nielsen and EFG executed the full program that was planned at the beginning of the year including broadcast evaluations for 16 individual events with over 7,000 broadcast hours across more than 120 digital outlets as well as SET analyses for two events, custom in-app tracking for the full year, three economic impact studies and four waves of the community survey. In total Nielsen captured over EUR 1bn in Advertising Equivalent Gross Media Value generated for EFGs brand partners.
EFG has now established a solid methodology to capture all the value generated from various types of brand integrations for their sponsors, which they are able to replicate for future years to continuously measure the performance and success of brand partnership initiatives. By establishing these methodologies taken from traditional businesses and adapting it for the field of esports, Nielsen Sports helped to bridge the gap between esports and brand partners.