21–44-year-olds represents a key customer cohort for banks. This customer is starting their financial journey and typically, the bank that supports them when they’re younger is the bank they stay with and trust for all the important financial decisions they make as they progress through life.
For this audience, ‘relevancy’ represented a considerable challenge for Bank of Ireland. Beside digital first brands like Revolut, Bank of Ireland were seen as being old fashioned and out of touch.
We needed to create a campaign that would challenge this perception. We needed to showcase the evolved digital proposition on offer and demonstrate that Bank of Ireland, unlike any “digital bank”, understands this audience and what they need to enable them to thrive.
To do that, we created a unique brand experience at All Together Now, Ireland’s newest boutique festival. The Bank of Ireland Carnival Quarter celebrated the idea of ‘Real’. Everyone is unique and different, and it is our difference, our REALNESS that makes us stronger.
The Bank of Ireland Carnival Quarter brought together a blend of unique immersive brand experiences which challenged our audience to engage with Bank of Ireland as they never done before. We profiled Bank of Ireland as a bank with a REAL understanding of its customers and demonstrated how Bank of Ireland is constantly evolving to support its customers at every stage of their life journey.