Just Eat Takeaway (JET) is committed to sponsoring football across all levels with its sponsorship portfolio covering UEFA, Champions League and the EUROs. Building on this – and its own vision for women’s football ‘to create equal chances for everyone through showcasing the relatable side of women’s football’ – it established its Feed the Game (FTG) sponsorship. Its aim is to help propel the women’s game with greater support at grassroots level.
This is much needed; only 2% of global football investment goes to the women’s game. In addition, 88% of clubs across Europe believe their women’s team has a positive impact on the local community. Armed with this insight JET created FTG, marrying its community presence with its football influence to empower a new generation of women’s talent and fans.
JET committed €100,000 to the FTG fund, launching the initiative in The Netherlands this year, to tie in with the Women’s Champions League final in Eindhoven. With 14 restaurants in its network partnering with 14 local clubs, the teams received funds to invest as they wished, along with FTG kit featuring the partner restaurants’ logos.
With professional footballer Vivianne Miedema the FTG ambassador, a national PR and media campaign supported the sponsorship which was entirely geared toward boosting women’s football and brand awareness. It achieved a media reach of 26m (18m more than expected) with 73% saying FTG makes them think JET is a brand for good. Its success will see it rolled out more widely in Europe next year.