In February BT announced a transformational, purpose-led strategy for activating its FA partnerships, in a ‘4-3-3’ formation:
4 – Home Nation FA’s (England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland)
3 – Focus areas most in need of support (Grassroots, Women’s & Para/Disability football)
3 – Commitments to make a meaningful difference & leave a lasting legacy in each area
BT are committed to improving the lives of millions across the UK through the power of football, connectivity, digital skills and innovation.
This entry focuses on Grassroots activity.
– Enacting BT’s brand purpose: ‘We Connect For Good’
– Supporting grassroots football and local communities
– Supporting BT’s target to digitally up-skill 10M people by 2025
– Creating & up-skilling more football volunteers
Key Campaigns & Results:
CONNECTED CLUBS: BT’s pledge to provide 200 clubs across the 4 Home Nations with leading connectivity services free of charge continued remotely despite lockdown, delivering vital financial & communications solutions to 60 clubs & communities, so far.
WORK READY: We boosted BT’s ‘Work Ready’ programme (supporting 18-24 year olds not in employment, education or training) & told ‘Michael’s Story’ a young man who took part thanks to football and BT’s IFA partnership.
THE FA PLAYMAKER: We launched a pioneering online entry-level course for football volunteers, internally to over 10K BT employees & externally resulting in 10K enrolments within 3 months (13K to date).
BLACK HISTORY MONTH: Exclusive interviews conducted with male & female England players to promote diversity & inclusion, broadcast on BT Sport & BT/FA digital channels.