21/3/1962 – 1/9/2019
The European Sponsorship Association is immensely saddened to announce that Toby Hester, ESA Board Director and widely-respected industry veteran, passed away on 1 September 2019. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends.

Photo by Vid Ponikvar / Sportida
Toby’s family requested all donations go towards The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.
“Toby has always been such a passionate advocate for the work we do at ESA and his long tenure on the board is testament to the amazing contribution he’s made. He brought his many years’ experience to bear as we seek to build the Association, and his honest counsel will be missed by all of us on the Board.
The heartfelt wishes of myself, the ESA Board and all our members go out to his wife and daughter. I hope, through our work, that we can keep Toby’s memory alive for many years to come.”
Andy Westlake, ESA Chairman
“Toby’s passion for the sponsorship industry was infectious. Both colleague and client to so many people, his enthusiasm never dimmed. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him and worked with him.”
Karen Earl, ESA Chairman 2007-2017
“I had the fortune to work with Toby during my 6 years as an ESA Board Director. His laugh was infectious and his desire to put things into action was palpable. I always respected the effort he put into the sponsorship industry. He will be missed.”
Jackie Fast, REBEL Pi and former ESA Board Director
“Toby will be missed so much. He was a great guy and so well known in our industry. I was privileged to have spoken on many panels with Toby and his knowledge of the sponsorship world was one of the best the industry had. But most importantly he was a fun, charming, warm character, who was a pleasure to be around and socialise with. Our thoughts are with Toby’s family at this terrible time, and they should know how much he was loved by all that worked with him in his professional career.”
Paul Samuels, AEG Europe
“Having known Toby personally since my early days of ESA and having worked with him more recently on GDPR and Metrics and Measurement related activities, myself and the team here at SQN are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic news. The industry has lost one of the best. Our heartfelt thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time.”
Claire Ritchie-Tomkins, SQN
“Such a lively and committed advocate for our sector; always full of ideas and boundless energy. A supreme networker. A great, great loss.”
Amanda Fone, f1 recruitment (sports & entertainment)
“I met Toby through his Sponsorship Coach business and immediately created both a personal and professional friendship. He was incredibly kind, passionate and enthusiastic and he will be sorely missed by all that knew him. My thoughts are with his wife and daughter. “
Sam Akers, Human Race
“Toby was an enjoyable and formidable presence at industry events, and it was always interesting to hear him speak. I’m sure he’ll be highly missed by everyone in the sponsorship community.“
Simon Ward, Sportcal News
“As a fellow ESA Board member I loved working with Toby. He was one of the good guys, with a big heart & total commitment to making the industry better. He challenged & pushed in every meeting to make things happen.“
Joel Seymour-Hyde, Octagon and ESA Board Direcotr
“Toby’s zest for life, and sponsorship, was compelling.
His open style and willingness to speak his mind made for immeasurably better and productive meetings. I will fondly remember my time working with him on the ESA board.
He will be greatly missed.”
Krane Jeffery, Warner Media and former ESA Board Director
“Desperately sad news. Toby was a passionate advocate for the good that sport can do. Heartfelt wishes to his wife and daughter.“
Matt Rogan, Two Circles and former ESA Board Director
“It was a pleasure to serve on the ESA Board with Toby and he will be sadly missed. A larger than life character. Rest in peace big man.“
Ben Wells, Bath Rugby and former ESA Board Director
“Never leave the room and be forgotten.’ Rest in peace, Toby! It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to know you…”
Luka Maselj, Sport Media Focus (SPORTO Conference)
“Toby is a tragic loss to the sponsorship community. A friend, mentor and colleague – I shared many laughs (and sighs) with him at meetings, events and conferences around the world. Toby never hesitated to challenge an assumption or ask the difficult questions. He never accepted the status quo and always pushed his teams to reach higher. Love and condolences to his family.”
Matthew Leopold, ESA Board Director
“I wanted to add my voice to the tributes to Toby, remembering his warmth and openness and the positivity he generated amongst all those around him.
Toby seemed to have the rare gift of making time expand so that he had enough of it for everyone. He will be greatly missed.”
Rachel Clarke, Albright Special
“Very sad to hear the news. Toby was a larger than life creative person, full of passion, enthusiasm and an endless supply of ideas to build a stronger sponsorship industry. He will be missed; my thoughts are with his family”.
Helen Lamb, former ESA General Manager & Board Director
“This is such sad news. Toby was an incredibly positive and kind person, so supportive to my wife and me. We will remember him with great respect and fondness. Thank you for everything Toby!”
Chris Kropielnicki, Sportcal
“I’ve known Toby for close to twenty years and while I never worked directly with him, he was always one of the big characters in the sponsorship and sports world – one of those guys who everyone in the industry seemed to know and love. We were talking just a couple of weeks ago about working on something together and he seemed on good form, so it’s just incredibly sad to hear this news. Thoughts with his family and rest in peace, Toby.”
Eddie May, Overdog Marketing
“Never one to shy away from the difficult questions, Toby always challenged everyone around him to ensure all angles had been considered. A massive loss to the industry and we will miss him dearly on the ESA Board.”
Stuart Wareman, Marriott International and ESA Board Director
“I was lucky enough to get to know Toby during his time at Castrol, and, as well as bonding over the many projects our agency did for him, as fellow Saints fans we often consoled each other on our team’s abysmal performances whenever he dropped into the office. Being the warm and charismatic person he is, we kept in touch after parting ways, and it was only recently that we last caught up. I am gutted to hear that he has passed away. A brilliant man, gone too soon. RIP Toby.”
Dave Corlett, workbrands
Terribly saddened by this news! I was privileged to meet Toby last year at Sporto conference. He was a pioneer and innovative thinker in the industry. He will be really missed.”
Kenechi Belusevic, Discovery Communications
“Toby was such a great soul. Always willing to help me and answer my questions. I knew him for a few years and we never did any business together, but just seemed to get each other. I’ll miss him. Best of wishes to his family especially Annabelle (my eldest daughter is Ilya Belle).”
Will Thomas, Sports Systems
“A force of nature, a real character, one of the good guys, Toby gave so much to the industry, and has always been so supportive to me throughout my career. I’m still in shock and will truly miss his warmth, passion, and the healthy challenges he always provided round the ESA Board table. RIP Toby and thank you for everything. You will be missed.”
Tanya Rabin, former ESA Board Director
“Very sad to hear this news, a big character & loss to the industry, condolences to his family, friends & the many people who knew and worked with him.”
Neil Callaghan, Cake (Havas)
“Extraordinarily sad. He definitely ticked the “larger than life” box with gusto and will be much missed in the industry. All sympathies from all at Laureus Sport to his family.”
Jonathan Hill, Laureus World Sports Awards
“I am so devastated to hear that Toby has left us, and my heartfelt condolences go to his family.
As my client during the T-Mobile sport sponsorship days, his were the campaigns I always looked forward to the most. He knew how to inject purpose, energy and tremendous fun into everything we did.
His contribution to the sponsorship industry goes without saying – he certainly made his mark.
But most of all he was a lovely, kind and enormously charismatic man.
Definitely gone too soon Toby, but never forgotten.
Rest in peace.”
Alison Forth, Alison Forth Communications
“So sad to hear about Toby Hester – he was funny, frank and challenged the status quo – at conferences on stage, in person and also through social media. Through his efforts he has helped make sponsorship more accountable and relevant in today’s data, measurement driven world. He bettered the industry for all and pretty much everyone I know who has ever had ‘sponsorship’ in their job title knew and liked Toby. It is a sad, sad day. Thoughts are with his family and friends.”
Julia Kamoda
“It was a privilege, that you call me your friend. You were so much more than just a friend to everyone here in Slovenia. From World Cup sponsorship activation to U10 kids football sponsorship, you knew how to deal with each of them. You were such a great teacher. Your work, attitude and great spirit will stay with us for ever.”
Tomaž Ambrožič, Sport Media Focus
“One of the saddest days of my business career was learning of Toby’s passing. There are so many words to describe Toby: larger than life, colourful, entertaining, funny, smart, driven, intelligent, passionate. Toby was a brilliant business partner, but also someone I considered to be a true friend. A real loss on so many levels.”
Mark Stringer, PrettyGreen
“Toby once sent me this mantra he said he told himself every day…
‘I shall not be broken!
Not by anything, nor anyone.
My resolve is driven by my passion for life,
the love for my family, my friends and for those that truly inspire.
I am not weak, I am strong, with energy from smiles, laughter and with these endorphins I will not allow myself to bow or succumb.
I am defiant to any circumstance in the knowledge that I am who I am!’
He certainly lived it to the full!!!”
Nick Prichard, Cirque du Soleil
“I regret that I never met nor witnessed him.
Because, this obituary is the most impressive I have ever read or heard.
Toby Hester, I will never forget your name, Sir.
Ruhen Sie in Frieden, rest in peace !”
Sponsoring-Fan Sachi
“Toby was an infectious character and I have happy memories of him. At conferences, his appearances on stage were always worth listening to on the perspective from a brand decision maker. At one conference, he told the audience he would get 250 proposals/cold calls a month but working for T-Mobile, he had a big day job to do internally that meant he would not respond to speculative approaches that he was not interested in. He recommended rights owners call him and others on their commute into work, as he was bored then and enjoyed talking to people. This was before WhatsApp and when people used the phone and was sound advice. Above all, a great bloke who cared and was loyal to those who needed his time and help with contacts. Only sorry he had such a battle and was taken from us so young.”
Gary Linke, The Missing Linke
“I was deeply saddened to learn of Toby’s passing, but consider myself hugely lucky and privileged to have known Toby as a partner, client, industry colleague and ultimately and most importantly friend. I first met Toby almost 20 years ago whilst he was leading T-Mobile’s sponsorship efforts and have enjoyed some truly memorable and magical times together ever since at the Euros, World Cup, Robbie Williams, Rolling Stones and countless events, dinners and meetings. I giant of a man in stature, ability, personality, presence, knowledge, warmth, kindness and generosity. I will miss his big smile and friendship. Thoughts and prayers are with Alyona, Annabelle and the entire family at this difficult time.”
Damian Willoughby, City Football Group
“Terribly sad news! I met Toby whilst at Saints many years ago. He was leading the T-Mobile sponsorship. I don’t profess to have known him intimately, but his was a character that you just don’t forget. Our paths crossed a number of times over the years and each time, however brief our conversation, I always left with a smile on my face. Definitely one of the good guys!”
Huw Wigley, MCM Creative Group
“Genuinely gutted. An incredibly talented man who I had the pleasure of working with over the years. “Lord of the rings” may you rest in peace.”
Maša Meden, Pivovarna Laško Union
“Extraordinarily sad. Toby definitely ticked the “larger than life” box with gusto and will be much missed in the industry. All sympathies from all @LaureusSport to his family.”
Jonathan Hill, Laureus World Sports Events
“A lovely, kind-hearted man who adored his family. I’m proud to call Toby my friend. He’ll be missed but never forgotten x”
Katie Traxton, We Are Fearless. and ESA Board Director
“So privileged to be your friend and to have opportunities to learn from you. We will all miss you so much. Thank you, Sir.”
Tomaž Ambrožič, Sport Media Focus
“So sorry to learn about Toby. He was such a competent mentor to all of us members of Sporto Awards judging panel. My sympathies go to his young family.”
Uroš Stanić, FC Rijeka
“Tragic news. I had the privilege of working with Toby at T-Mobile as we took the brand into Scotland with 2 high profile sponsorships. Always full of energy, coupled with a great work ethic and attitude. Sincerest condolences to his family.”
Douglas Adam, Virgin Media Business
“My path only crossed briefly with Toby earlier this year through his planning of his ROI sponsorship conference. We bonded over old mutual colleagues and our young children. His passion and enthusiasm for his work was clear and his warm, fun and bubbly personality will be missed by many. Such a loss and taken far too young.”
Belinda Stevenson, Wasserman
“With many years on the ESA Board with Toby I always thought of him as a fixed part of the sponsorship world. He was a big character always looking to challenge and push ESA further. It’s hard to believe this sad news and the passing of all his energy and commitment to the sponsorship world. Thoughts to his family and loved ones.”
William Fenton, Sponsorship Ideas and ESA Board Director
“A true believer in the power of sponsorship, Toby’s passion was infectious. I will never forget him captivating the room at one of the very first Think! Sponsorship conferences – a sight to behold! You will be missed but not forgotten. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with your family.“
Catherine Hawkins, Think! Sponsorship
“Very sad to learn of Toby’s passing. Wonderful character that made a fabulous contribution to the industry. RIP”
Wasim Haq, First Team Partners
“It was Toby who introduced me to ESA and suggested that I stand for election to the Board. He was committed to progress and improvement – for himself, for the individuals that he mentored and for the industry as a whole. He will certainly be missed.”
Sophie Morris, Millharbour Marketing and ESA Board Director
“We will always remember Toby’s contribution to the development of our conference and his efforts for the excellence as President of the Jury for SPORTO Awards. We lost a dear friend and true ambassador who will be sadly missed.”
Dragan Perendija, Sport Media Focus
“The world is not the same. RIP my friend, honoured to have met you.”
Achilleas Kotrozos, Petronas Lubricants International
“Very sad news. A larger than life character indeed – it was a very memorable experience working with him on the Castrol sponsorship of Euro 2008 and one of my many memories was of him throwing a bowlful of chocolates at me at the end of a team meeting (in jest, I might add!). RIP Toby and condolences to your nearest and dearest.”
Rupen Shah, Thinkbox
“Stunned and saddened by the news of Toby’s passing. I had the pleasure to work with Toby on the ESA Board, and his passion, energy and optimism will live long. He has certainly left a positive impression on the sponsorship industry and the people he has met along the way, throughout the UK and across Europe. I think he knew everyone.“
Rob Mitchell, The FA and former ESA Board Director
“Toby was also a Board member at Berks & Bucks Football Association. We will miss his infectious personality. We were at the start of a really exciting transition for the organisation, a transition that was driven by Toby. A friend, my mentor and an inspiration! My heartfelt thoughts go to Toby’s wife and daughter.”
Liz Verrall, Berks & Bucks Football Association
“I dropped Toby an email less than a year ago to share my thoughts on a ‘Sponsorship ROI’ blog that he had written and within minutes he called me back to share his passion for the subject. We met the next week and I was blown away by his enthusiasm and passion. An extremely kind and generous man who will be sorely missed.”
James Toller, Mallory Group
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal – Love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
“Having known Toby Hester for many years via his passionate support for ESA and all things sponsorship, he was also a long-time member of The 6pm Club, plus a most enthusiastic, straight talking and positive guy.
Toby told me just before he went on holiday recently with his young family that he was in good recovery mode, but resigned to a daily tablet intake.
Professionally, we had been working together this past quarter on a sport event initiative, which he was excited and energised about – I am sure many of you will know how infectious that can be!
I was enjoying working with Toby and was looking forward to acting as his no.2, so a sense of shock prevails.”
Gerry Dawson, The 6pm Club + Destination Marketing BSL
“I met Toby when interviewing for a place on the ESA Youth Board. I will never forget the moment we connected during that interview and carried out an impromptu fist pump.
To go on and be selected as Co-Chair for the youth board, I would spend a lot of time speaking with Toby as both a mentor and a friend. We just got one another, we clicked.
He provided an important steer in that part of my career and pushed me to advance with his direct but constructive guidance.
A ridiculously busy man, he had no obligation to devote such time to me and for that I will be forever grateful.
You will be missed Toby, rest in peace.”
Ashley Guymer, McLaren Racing
“It’s utterly tragic that someone as young, as talented and as human as Toby was, has passed away way too soon. But he’ll be smiling from above reading all these tributes and knowing that he did his best for the industry and for those he cared about. I knew Toby from his T-Mobile days right through to BP and ESA. I’d count him as a friend and ally. He took time out to check how my new agency was going and to commend us for what we were doing. He was a huge advocate of his former team and always interested to hear how they were going. He was passionate, warm, funny, larger than life and a true champion of this wonderful industry. Good luck mate on your next adventure”.
Garry Dods, WeAreFearless.
“Before he became the respected sponsorship professional that we all know and love, I was lucky enough to share an office with Toby for a few years. He was a relentless practical joker, which meant a daily regime of checking desks / chairs etc. for booby traps, and an endless procession of projectiles filling the air, including his missile of choice, a trusty American football. That infectious spirit of mischief and living life to the full, meant that Toby could charm people into bending the rules and pushing boundaries, which, I have no doubt, is why he was so successful in delivering ground-breaking sponsorship experiences. When the character dust was sprinkled, they poured a whole bag into Tobes. Farewell big fella. You leave a very large hole in the world.”
Paul Wightman, Indigo Dingo Ltd
“Such sad, sad news Toby was someone who was so passionate about delivering success. Had the honour to have listened to and be inspired by Toby. RIP”
Colin Bridgford, Manchester FA
“Toby and I first met at mobile phone operator One 2 One. He looked after sponsorship and me brand partnerships. Toby was a trail blazer, great fun and full of life. We did so many ‘firsts’ in those days and Toby was instrumental to that. He went on to have a glowing career, forever challenging the status quo. I was fortunate to work with Toby again when he set up Sponsorship Coach and he delivered one of his training seminars here at ZSL. Toby hadn’t really changed much after all those years except for one thing. He had found true happiness in meeting Alyona and becoming father to Annabelle. His life has been cut short and we will all miss him. My heart goes out to his family. Miss you Tobes.”
Sandra Crewe, ZSL
“I greatly enjoyed working with Toby on the ESA Board for many years. My memories are many, but mostly that he was unfailingly positive and approached life and work with a big smile on his face. Whatever the issue, he frequently came up with sometimes unconventional, but interesting, ideas and was always constructive. He was larger than life and his passing will leave a big gap, both for his family and within the sponsorship world.”
Helen Day, ESA Vice Chairman 1996 – 2008
“I met Toby when we joined ESA and he called to talk about my thoughts around sponsorship and ESA’s work. The discussion was both enthralling and enlightening and we found that we shared a passion for ROI in sponsorship.
Toby made me feel so very welcome and an important part of the organisation – even as a small agency – and that our thoughts and ideas counted and were important to industry growth.
His effervescent attitude, humble and kind approach and extremely lovely way of being touched me and our agency quickly, and with a glow I shall not forget.
We were extremely saddened to hear of his passing and are so sorry our paths will not cross again. Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife and family and I pray they can somehow feel the warmth of support coming from our ESA community.”
Kerrie Flaus, Juststuf
“I’m sad and rattled by the sudden loss of this larger-than-life legend of our industry. He made a huge impact on my life in so many ways. We traveled the world together. Pushed industry boundaries to do things differently. Pushed each others’ buttons, often beyond tolerable (for us or those around us). Had more “once-in-a-lifetime” experiences than I’d thought possible, together. He’s gone too soon but, blessedly, seemed happier these past years than ever with his wife Alyona and daughter Annabelle. RIP forever, Toby.”
Amy Kemp, MKTG
“Toby and I have been on the ESA Board for a great number of years and his enthusiasm and loyalty was immense. Always passionate and vocal about his views, it was a fun time at the Board meetings and events. A very sad time for his family, friends and business colleagues, who will all miss him”
Nigel Geach, Nielsen Sports and ESA Vice-Chairman
“Toby was one of the most able and nicest sponsorship professionals in our global community. I had the privilege to work with him on the Scotland National Sponsorship Conference 2019 and he was brilliant. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.”
Ardi Kolah
The full press release can be read here.