PSG is Accor’s biggest ever sponsorship investment. Used to launch the new lifestyle loyalty brand – ALL – to a global audience in 2019, PSG helped make ALL a household name. But COVID hit and severely restricted our ambitious plans. Limited to just branding, we had made the name widely recognized but had not been able to explain what ALL was, why fans should care or been able to realise the business potential in the sponsorship.
At a time when our competitors were retreating from sponsorship activation, we doubled down and evolved our strategy.
During the 2021/2 season we kept ALL top of mind, taking advantage of Leo Messi’s arrival, and as restrictions were eased we rolled out a series of activations with PSG that brought ALL to life. We connected ALL to our core business – hotels and our brands – and reignited our member base by providing access to Limitless experiences with PSG that they had missed out on during the pandemic.
- Brand awareness
- Media engagement
- Market engagement
- Member engagement (inc NPS)
- Business results
Based on our learnings, we extended our sponsorship with PSG by a further 4 years, focusing on the key areas that will drive success for us. In doing so, we became PSG’s first shirt sponsor to renew after coming off the front of the shirt.