Electric Ireland is Ireland’s leading energy provider, operating in a low interest, but highly competitive price driven sector, customer churn is a key business challenge. Sponsorship is critical to drive brand differentiation and drive brand advocacy to battle churn. Pieta is Ireland’s leading suicide prevention charity; Electric Ireland have sponsored their flagship fundraiser Darkness into Light since 2013. The need for Pieta’s life-saving services was greater than ever as COVID-19 impacted not only on the nation’s physical health but its mental health too.
Darkness Into Light is the main annual source of funding for Pieta delivering 50% of their annual income. With the Darkness Into Light event (a 5km walk at the darkest hour before sunrise which attracts north of 200,000 participants and takes place in over 200 venues worldwide) unable to take place due to COVID-19 restrictions, Pieta faced a funding crisis. Electric Ireland together with Pieta launched an urgent Sunrise Appeal designed to demonstrate Electric Ireland’s new brand promise while showing community and solidarity with those impacted by suicide as well as raising life-saving funds for Pieta. The Sunrise Appeal surpassed all expectations, it offered hope to a nation when they needed it most and harnessed the power of thousands to raise €4 million for Pieta. Electric Ireland’s support ensured Pieta could keep their lights on in the fight against suicide, the campaign highlighted Electric Ireland’s core values and was a true demonstration of the brand promise – We’re Brighter Together.