AEG Global Partnerships (AEG GP) have long employed best in class insights and diverse assets to meet changing market needs. This has enabled AEG GP to build durable, authentic partnerships with brands that share their vision for revolutionising the customer experience.
Uber kick-started the evolution of the taxi market when it launched an app, which easily connected drivers with riders. Their long-term vision is to become a truly multi-modal transport platform by developing partnerships with public transport operators.
Thames Clippers, part of the AEG Europe group, is London’s fast ferry transport operator and licensed River Bus provider for Transport for London (TfL).
AEG GP and Uber identified the naming rights for Thames Clippers as a great way to help Uber achieve its vision in London, and ticketing integration into the Uber app provided Uber’s users new ways to reach their destination.
The naming rights sponsorship included not just the livery of the fleet of 17 boats, but also the 23 piers, marketing collateral and digital channels of a trusted and highly regarded London transport operator.
The new brand of Uber Boat by Thames Clippers was created during the first UK-wide lockdown of the COVID pandemic and launched to the public in August 2020, receiving global media attention and creating a striking and highly visible brand operating through the heart of the UK capital.
AEG GP, working with Uber and Thames Clippers, have created a unique and dynamic sponsorship that contributes directly to the vision of both sponsor and rights holder.