For many young artists, the path to realizing their dreams is laden with obstacles. Financial barriers, limited opportunities, and a lack of recognition often dim the creative sparks. Norsk Tipping—a company deeply committed to social responsibility—set out to make a tangible difference.
Over the past two decades, we have proudly championed Drømmestipendet—The Dream Scholarship—an initiative dedicated to empowering young artists aged 18 to 25 across Norway. More than just a financial grant, Drømmestipendet is an active holistic program combining inspiration, recognition, mentorship, and professional opportunities.
Each year, we award 50 scholarships of NOK 30,000, totaling NOK 1.5 million, across diverse artistic disciplines. By embracing inclusivity and supporting artists from all disciplines and backgrounds, we actively ensure that Norway’s diverse and rich artistic expressions continue to flourish.
A unique aspect of the program is our “Bring Them Home” philosophy. By honoring each winner in their home municipality, we strengthen community bonds and highlight the vital role local support plays in nurturing talent.
The Dream Weekend premiered in 2023 and further amplifies the program’s impact, bringing recipients together for transformative experiences filled with workshops, networking, and performances that ignite collaboration.
Over 2,000 young artists have benefited. Notable alumni like Matoma, Astrid S and Didrik Solli Tangen underscore the program’s ability to nurture future cultural leaders. Media coverage has been extensive.
Drømmestipendet is far more than a sponsorship; it embodies Norsk Tipping’s mission to bring young artists’ dreams to life.