This is it. Crouched on the blocks at the starting line. Beads of sweat dripping down your forehead. It’s Feb 19th and this represents our one chance at gold.
One chance to harness the inspiration of Team GB athletes for our colleagues.
One chance to motivate the masses through well-being challenges.
One chance to deliver generational change for our 60,000 strong colleague population.
You ready for it???? On your marks, Set, Go!!!
From a stationary start in just 8 months, we’ve delivered on a scale never seen before within NatWest. Having had a slump in colleague pride over the past year, a partnership with Team GB was exactly what we needed to help build pride among our employees and help drive cultural change in the organisation.
In record time we delivered a global integrated health and wellbeing programme; the ability to support local communities through a baton relay; the launch of a brand-new performance management system for employees and supported a UK based volunteering programme to help support those who sacrifice everything to make the Olympic start line in Paris. This partnership has been a game changer for inspiring colleagues to take action and create a high-performance culture within our organisation.
We’re not only motivating colleagues for now through this partnership, we are changing the bank for the future from the inside out. All powered by our partnership with Team GB.