Amazon Prime worked with Transport for London to promote the launch of their new series ‘Picard’ featuring Patrick Stewart. The creative solution to the launch was to re-name Piccadilly Station as ‘Picardilly’ in January 2020. The station renaming complimented a nationwide media campaign with immersive visuals which was picked up by major media outlets and featured on prime time television: The Graham Norton Show and The Chase.
All roundels throughout the station at platforms and in station tube line diagram maps were re-branded along with platform and station vinyl throughout featuring images and assets from the show. The themed branding created a fully immersive environment for commuters and once the social media was launched across Amazon Prime and TfL channels featuring the imagery fans turned up to take selfies to share on their own channels.
The station tannoy announcements in the voice of Captain Jean Luc Picard were broadcast throughout the takeover campaign period along with a planned social media campaign across TfL channels. The results were unprecedented with the story featured in 22 major news outlets including; TimeOut, CityAM, Evening Standard and The Times. Patrick Stewart was a guest on the Graham Norton show where they picked up the campaign and featured visuals from the station re-brand within the programme.
“Trekkies” came from far and wide to see the activation, a group flew over from Ireland.
Overall the campaign generated 980,000 impressions on social media with a great deal of PR and shared posts, the audience were engaged and fans ‘delighted’.