As lockdown rocked the UK, Häagen-Dazs launched #HaagIndoors. Its message: stay safe and share moments of joy. To embody this, we created the best virtual film club in the world; Secret Sofa by Häagen-Dazs. Delivering extraordinary #HaagIndoors moments to your sofa alongside Secret Cinema.
Objectives were to drive awareness of this initiative, increase consideration and positive sentiment for Häagen-Dazs, and drive sales on Amazon Prime Now. Inviting joy back into the home during an isolating time, and building a digital community for announcements and user generated content.
We sought to get closer to the rounded immersion of real life and communal experiences by building a narrative across social channels; where people could enjoy a famous film from the comfort of their sofas. Thousands would be given the opportunity to get creative in their living rooms for 8 Fridays between April and June, becoming part of a reimagined immersive film experience.
With character narratives, thematic content, unique serves, live interaction and discussion; fans joined the story as it unfolded across Facebook live, Zoom, newsletters and influencer content. Amazon Prime Now brought bespoke flavours linked to films with a secret weekly discount code unlocked by influencers, inspiring households to create and share their own ice cream experiences.
A dramatic pivot borne out of an agile partnership, supportive ethos and unified vision to keep creating moments of togetherness, achieving unprecedented positive sentiment and a nearly +100% sales uplift for the brand, creating a NEW ‘cultural moment’ that brought multiple communities together during lockdown.