Secret Cinema hosts LIVE immersive film experiences by creating 360-degree participatory shows in spectacular locations. Due to coronavirus, they were forced to rethink strategy during lockdown.
With a clear in-home consumption occasion of ice-cream linking to cinema, Häagen-Dazs joined forces with Secret Cinema to create and contribute to a NEW cultural moment in the UK. To continue bringing communal experiences to life and provide those isolated with an escape, the ‘best virtual film club in the world’ Secret Sofa by Häagen-Dazs was born.
For 8 Fridays between April and June, thousands took part in an immersive film experience. Secret Sofa brought shared cinema events into the home through worlds created around loved films, facilitating a virtual in-home screening of Secret Cinema’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed films, as well as lesser-known gems.
With character narratives, thematic content, live interaction and costumes; viewers joined stories every week as they unfolded across Facebook live, newsletters and influencer content. An Amazon Prime Now partnership brought rotating brand collaborations and ice cream flavours, serves and special discount codes through influencers, inspiring households to create and share their experiences.
A hugely effective pivot borne of agile partnership, a supportive ethos and unified vision to keep creating moments of togetherness. The work achieved unprecedented positive sentiment and a +97% sales uplift, creating a ‘cultural moment’. Recognised as best-in-class by Time Out for its impact as an entertainment saviour of lockdown; Facebook for its community initiative; and Amazon for its social commerce result.