Members of the European Sponsorship Association (ESA) have been invited to enter the 2014 Professional Development Award to illustrate their company’s commitment to developing best practice through investment in staff training and career development.
The Award is being supported by f1 recruitment again this year and sits within the ESA Excellence Awards. It focuses on HR strategy and the implementation of both internal and external training and educational programmes.
Open to all ESA members, the Award’s criteria differentiates those businesses that are privately owned from those which form part of a wider group of companies.
Karen Earl, ESA Chairman said: “ESA is committed to developing the professionalism of our industry and this Professional Development Award underpins that aim. We are passionate about encouraging our members to put training and career development at the top of their agenda – whether they are a small or large agency.
“The Award is judged not on the size of budgets deployed, but the quality of thinking in the development of training programmes which are designed to provide employees with the maximum all-round benefit.”
Amanda Fone, Managing Partner of f1 recruitment, added: “We are delighted to support this award a second time. Like ESA, we are committed to encouraging continual professional development at all levels and this award is an opportunity to highlight companies that make training and development a priority. Together with the excellent ESA Diploma, the acceptance of training and development as the norm will help to raise standards right across the sponsorship industry.”
To support the criteria highlighted within the Award entry form, an ESA Guide to Professional Development – using Education and Training effectively, is available to provide useful advice to assist managers when implementing or refining their training and education programme.
Both the Awards entry form and complementary guide are accessible via the ESA Excellence Awards web section plus details about the special panel of judges invited to judge this award –
For queries, please contact the ESA Awards team via or telephone +44 (0) 20 8390 3311.
For further information, contact Helen Lamb, ESA, on +44 (0) 20 8390 3311.
About ESA
ESA represents the interests of the sponsorship industry in Europe. As a membership organisation, it works to raise standards within the industry through dissemination of information, education and training (ESA Knowledge; ESA Diploma) and to promote and protect the industry through its lobbying at national and European level.
About f1 recruitment
f1 provides expert recruitment to the marketing, communications and communications and sponsorship industry in the UK and internationally. Sponsorship is an intrinsic part of the marketing discipline and now more than ever needs multi skilled and highly trained professionals. The sector also needs more diversity of skills and backgrounds to enter and stay in the industry and f1 is committed to championing imaginative programmes that enable this to happen.