By Matthew Leopold, ESA Awards Chair of Judges
At times during the joyous summer holiday season now coming to a close, you may have found yourself pondering the need to acknowledge and celebrate your exceptional achievements. How best to do so?
Awards, naturally! While there are lots of marketing awards out there, one stands out as truly exceptional: the ESA Awards. In my 11 years of involvement in these distinguished awards, I feel there are a few factors that make them truly extraordinary.
Europe-wide acclaim
In the pursuit of recognition, it’s one thing to shine brightly in your own country, but quite another to rise above the rest on a grand continental scale. Notably, more than 50% of ESA award applications originate from outside the United Kingdom, creating an opportunity for sponsorship professionals to gauge their prowess against an international benchmark.
Earning an ESA Award confers immense honour, considering that no global sponsorship awards presently exist — these awards are the top of the top!
The pinnacle of sponsorship triumph
The European Sponsorship Association is the representative body for sponsorship in Europe. The ESA Awards’ purpose transcends frivolity and financial gain; it serves as a conduit for identifying and disseminating sponsorship’s best practices.
This means we fight against succumbing to popular trends or favouring extravagant budgets. The ESA Awards dissects the fundamental elements that underpin sponsorship success, rewarding those who excel in their endeavours.
Few honours can rival the rigour and ultimate prestige of an ESA Award.
Peers as arbiters
One of the hallmark aspects that sets the ESA Awards apart is its unique and transparent judging process.
The association maintains unwavering openness, inviting professionals from the sponsorship and marketing industries to apply as judges. The panel comprises experts from diverse backgrounds and global regions.
By demystifying the selection process, the ESA Awards ensures an impartial and balanced evaluation. As you consider entering, you, too, might find yourself among the esteemed panel of judges. Click here to explore this possibility.
The fairest of evaluations
Transparency lies at the core of the ESA Awards. With applicants hailing from across Europe, the association embraces diversity in brands, rights holders, agencies and languages represented.
To ensure equity, the ESA employs a precise, points-based marking system that maintains consistency among judges. Furthermore, the marketing criteria are openly shared, providing applicants with a framework for aligning their award submissions.
Thorough deliberations take place among judges, fostering meaningful discussions that challenge assumptions and provide constructive feedback to applicants. This rigorous approach ensures that only the most deserving campaigns ascend to victory.
In instances where no campaigns meet the award’s rigorous standards, the ESA elects not to present a winner, upholding the integrity of the accolades.
Streamlined submissions
Recognising the value of simplicity, the ESA Awards offers clear guidelines to streamline the entry process. Whether you possess a penchant for writing or prefer alternative modes of expression, the ESA Awards will accommodate your preferences.
You can opt for a written submission of up to 2,000 words. Alternatively, for those averse to writing or seeking a more dynamic presentation, video submissions are welcome.
Videos may feature a solo presentation or a chat with other stakeholders, supplemented by a slideshow or video as desired. The time limit for video entries is 10 minutes, extending to 12 minutes for non-native English speakers. The submission process couldn’t be more user-friendly.
Unforgettable event
Envision a room teeming with Europe’s foremost sponsorship and brand experts. Picture an ambience of celebration, with drinks flowing freely, tantalising culinary delights, and an environment that exudes sophistication.
Now, contemplate the presence of VIPs, ready to revel in their well-deserved recognition. Mark the ESA Awards as the pinnacle of your calendar.
By participating in the ESA Awards you can garner Europe-wide acclaim, join an elite circle of sponsorship success, be evaluated by your peers, experience a meticulous and equitable judging process, and revel in an unforgettable event.
Delay no further. Take the plunge and submit your work, positioning yourself among the vanguards of sponsorship excellence.