Amgen is one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies, with a mission of helping millions of people globally to fight the world’s toughest diseases like cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and rare diseases. We harness the best of biology and technology to make people’s lives easier, fuller, and longer.
In 2023, Amgen acquired Horizon Therapeutics and inherited the company’s sponsorships, Including the Irish Open, the KPMG Women’s Irish Open, the Aer Lingus College Football Classic and three of Ireland’s top golfers.
These sponsorships offered opportunities to integrate Horizon Therapeutics’ staff in Ireland and enhance engagement across Amgen’s broader workforce.
We implemented a multi-channel activation strategy that would deliver on the following objectives:
- Support staff integration
- Foster staff engagement and build rapport across teams
- Enhance employee pride and showcase Amgen’s commitment to Irish communities
A secondary objective was to begin to introduce Amgen to the general public.
We activated locally and amplified globally by:
- Hosting sponsorship events at our offices
- Offering staff opportunities to attend events
- Offering staff volunteering opportunities at events
- Engaging staff in charity initiatives associated with the sponsorships
- Creating a comprehensive communications plan to support these initiatives
Our campaign delivered strong results, with 77% of colleagues engaging with the sponsorship and 67% expressing pride that Amgen sponsors golf in Ireland.
It was our first year activating a large-scale sponsorship in Ireland – we have laid a strong foundation for future efforts, creating an engaged workforce that is keen to actively participate in these sponsorships.