In 2022 NLO signed the longest sponsorship contract in Dutch history and became Team NL’s Main Sponsor. Such a historic sponsorship contract comes with the responsibility to use data for strategic decision making around activations and assets.
Blauw Sponsorship Impact developed a continuous tracker that measured the real impact of NLO’s sponsorship on consumer sentiment and behaviour towards its corporate brand and 5 sub-brands. This enabled NLO to continuously pinpoint the extent to which targets were being met, why KPI’s were performing the way they were, how performance could be improved, and what future sponsorships could help NLO meet its objectives.
When TeamNL’s most iconic asset became available in the form of the TeamNL House during the Olympics in Paris, the tracker allowed to conclude there was potential for the asset to help NLO reach its sponsorship objectives, which justified investing in it. After it was launched, questions were added to the survey which tracked its brand impact before, during, and after the Olympics. The results on a real-time online dashboard revealed a significant boost to NLO’s brand funnel, both among the general public and sports fans.
A collaborative approach made NLO and TeamNL speak the same language, using the same data that were interpreted similarly. Moving forward in a 10-year contract, all stakeholders have become convinced this way of working is essential for maximising the success of the sponsorship, and TeamNL is now also using the tracker to develop the partnership from their side and to strengthen its brand.