Marketers, Are You Ready for the Impact of GDPR on the Sponsorship and Communication Industry?
Book your place on #ESAbreakfast event:
Data Protection: A Marketer’s Perspective –
Exploring the impact of GDPR and privacy on the sponsorship and communication industry
According to a recent survey:
- 65% of UK marketers think GDPR will be a hindrance to their marketing
- More than 40% say their business is not prepared for the changes.
Are you GDPR ready? If not, then don’t worry, we’re here to guide you!
With the help of:
- Chris Ritchie, COO of Sine Qua Non (agency)
- Piers Clayden, Director of Clayden Law (lawyers)
- Abeed Janmohamed, Commercial Advisor for InfoSaaS (compliance tools)
We’ll address some of the concerns and misconceptions around the forthcoming regulations that mark the biggest change in the data protection landscape for the last 20 years:
- What GDPR is? Why it has come about and what the implications are?
- How these will impact on marketers?
- How you should be planning your 2018 campaigns and activities in light of these changes, by exploring some typical scenarios.
- What you can do to prepare and protect your business?
All attendees will have the chance to receive a complimentary data health check.
About the Speakers:

Chris Ritchie – COO, Sine Qua Non
As COO at Sine Qua Non, Chris leads all operational and strategic activity as well as supporting clients. This includes ensuring that SQN is compliant with new GDPR regulations as well as advising clients on strategic issues around data-driven marketing and privacy.
With over 30 years’ experience of sales, marketing and technology, his most recent role prior to SQN, was Head of PR and Corporate Affairs at Sun Microsystems. He has also held a variety of other sales and marketing role at Sun, Hewlett Packard and EDS. He is also a published author on marketing.

Piers Clayden, Director, Clayden Law
Piers is the founder and director of Clayden Law which is a niche law firm which specialises in IT, data privacy and cybersecurity. He is currently spending 90% of his working life advising clients on GDPR compliance and has recently created, in conjunction with e-learning specialists, MeLearning, a full set of e-learning modules on GDPR.

Abeed Janmohamed, Commercial Advisor to InfoSaaS
Abeed is the CEO of Volando – a business growth accelerator for startups and high growth companies and is a Commercial Advisor for Infosaas.
Infosaas helps organisations achieve ISO27001 certification & GDPR Compliance thropugh simple cloud based solutions to become and remain compliant. Its vision is to be the global standard for achieving and managing information security and data protection standards.