‘It really opens up the possibility for Isla to achieve her dreams’ – Sharon Hedley, mother of World and European Junior Cross Triathlon champion Isla Heldey.

Sponsorship has a profound impact.
For businesses, it can create immense value, creating impactful and far-reaching content and engagement with key customer groups in a way traditional marketing cannot.
For those sponsored, the effects can be game-changing.
Speaking with Sharon (see video interview below), it is clear the profound impact sponsorship has had. Her recent sponsorship with GRM Marketing has enabled Isla to upgrade from her mother’s second-hand bike to a brand-new Trek bike, which will allow her to show her true potential and make further strides in her development ahead of the new season.
With the ever-increasing financial demands placed on athletes and their families, from equipment and gear to travel and competition costs, sponsorship can be make or break in getting to the start line for many.
The meaningful impact sponsorship has on many aspiring athletes, enabling them to reach their potential and compete at the highest level, highlights the importance of funding in supporting our teams and athletes. Sponsors play an increasingly key role across the sporting industry in helping to facilitate and create these special moments and allowing athletes to chase their dreams.
- By Fergus McKilligin, GRM Marketing
GRM are experts at navigating the sponsorship landscape, connecting teams and athletes with engaging brands that share their values and drive, and delivering outstanding results for all parties.
Interested in learning how we can help you with sponsorship? Contact us today at hello@grm.agency!